Sunday, January 18, 2009

My first TIFFANY!

I am SO excited. My sister Jen for no reason at all (other than to be sweet)gave Sheri & I a Tiffany necklace with our first initial. I absolutely love it!! She already had the letter "J" and thought it would be nice for each sister to have their own as well. It's my first Tiffany anything so it was a GREAT surprise. Thank you so much Jen. You are such a sweetheart!

The other pictures are of Alison in the tub when I gave her the sunglasses that have been at Betsey's for quite a while now. She had forgotten all about them and was excited to put them on.

The other is Chase chillin' in an outfit that Keely bought for him laying on the quilt that Becky hand made for him. Thanks guys!!!

1 comment:

Keely said...

What a great sister! I'm glad the little outfit fit him, he looks so cute! And you are very welcome :-)